Looking for a lawyer? On the Outer Banks of North Carolina, closings are handled by Outer Banks real estate attorneys – most of the time. They specialize in real estate law, but likely practice in other fields too. In many other states, closings have handled by title or escrow companies. In those states, the title search might be farmed out to lawyers or even real estate paralegals. Generally, real estate attorneys prepare your HUD-1, record the deed at the courthouse, and also disperse funds on the Outer Banks. These fund include the seller’s proceeds, mortgage payoff, agency fees, land surveyors, property inspection, and tax payments.
As realtors who work with sellers of short sale and foreclosure property, we know your legal rights are paramount; especially when selling “short” or foreclosing on a property. Quite frankly, making that courtesy call “to see if someone at the bank will be nice to you,” may be the biggest mistake you ever make. We recommend a local Outer Banks real estate attorneys BEFORE any contact of mortgage delinquency. Any advice you can get from an experienced attorney, may go a long way.
Starkey Sharp
Sharp, Michael & Graham, & Varnell
4417 N. Croatan Highway
Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
Phone: 252.261.2126
Fax: 252.261.1188
MARKET REPORTS: Corolla - Duck - Southern Shores - Kitty Hawk - Kill Devil Hills - Nags Head - Manteo / Roanoke - Hatteras Island